What Makes Men Sexy — Get The Facts!
What are the determining factors in a man that makes a woman go past the point of no return?
Is looks the main aspect?
His sexy 6 pack?
A killer smile?
Or does his smoldering personality make him just too good to pass up?
Validating these questions is not going to be easy, as they say; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Determining eroticism is very personal and often a very individual feeling. Nevertheless, our relationships guru, Diane Bishop gives us her take on what makes a man downright sexy!
Many guys may be shocked to learn this, but there is more to a man than buns of steel and a tight tummy. Not to say physical beauty doesn’t come into play — it does, but there is so much more to complete the package. What also counts is the way he moves across a room, does he have style and authority simply by the way he moves? Does the way he speaks instinctively keep a woman’s eyes focused on him?
Masculinity does not only mean the ostentation of an imposing physique, but such qualities are also instinctive within some men and can activate a women’s natural attractive force.
Sometimes it simply comes down to his smile. A great smile that is natural is one of the greatest assets a man can possess. It oozes an atmosphere of congeniality and demonstrates a charismatic sex appeal. A smile is one of the most powerful messages someone can send, without speaking a word. A man with a killer smile who shares it around is bound to have an impressive portfolio of women.
Eye Contact
is the very essence of communication. Connecting eyes is one way of signaling intent. It’s no secret many of us like attention, some crave it, and some need it. Eye contact has the affect to make women feel incredibly special, even cherished, and the message delivered in the eyes can be done so with much more impact than any word.
really does make the man! Women find it difficult to withstand a powerful man. And this does not necessarily mean he needs to have a large bank account. A man’s air of self-confidence and dominance makes a woman feel safe and well-kept — something that is very attractive to her.
Smart and well-spoken is sexy. Charming and intelligent men are hot property, and for the record — very hard to find. Not that there isn’t much of this talent around, but when a man of this caliber comes onto the singles and dating market, well, let’s just say he usually doesn’t stay single for long. Confidence and a smooth personality have a fine line between sexy and patronizing, and a woman will pick the difference in a matter of seconds.
Sense of Humor
Laughing and joking is a great ways to make a woman feel at ease and comfortable. A funny man is a sexy man — just ask any woman! If he comes fitted out with a funny side to him, he’s 90% there. If a man can make her laugh, there’s every chance of making her laugh in the bedroom too, right girls?
What makes him sexy is no single quality, but instead the whole picture. Many men possess sexy attributes, it’s really a matter of realizing their potential and letting the natural sexiness from within come to the surface.