Valentines Day: Is it Time to Refocus on Your Relationship?

Sophia Faith
5 min readJan 17, 2023


Image by gpointstudio on Freepik

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love, but it can also be a reminder that your relationship needs work. I’m not saying you should stop celebrating, but if you’re feeling down about your relationship (or yourself), don’t settle for holding on when it’s time to let go. Here are some ways that focusing on your relationship will help keep it strong:

Stop the comparisons.

It’s important to remember that no one else will ever have the same relationship as you and your partner. You may find yourself comparing your relationship with others or focusing on what you don’t like in order to feel better about it. This is a waste of time, so try not to do it! Instead, focus on what is good in your relationship and how you can improve upon those things.

Be open to new possibilities.

If you’re feeling a little stuck in your relationship, it might be time to try something new together. You could take a trip to the theater or museum, go dancing at a trendy club and get some karaoke on, or just go out for coffee and dessert — whatever floats your boat!

This Valentine’s Day (or any day), make sure that both of you are open-minded about what kinds of experiences will bring joy into each other’s lives.

Share your expectations.

● Be honest about what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, and don’t expect your partner to read your mind.

● Diversify your interests outside of work or relationships, so that there’s always something fun and exciting in store for both of you (and any kids who may be around).

Find new ways to communicate.

If you’re having trouble communicating, try a new activity. Maybe it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new!

● Try going somewhere that you wouldn’t normally go, such as a coffee shop or library. This will help break up any communication barriers between the two of you and make it easier for both of you to talk about things without feeling like they’re being judged by each other (or themselves).

● If the weather is nice outside, take advantage of it by going somewhere where there’s plenty of room for everyone — such as on top of a hill or down at sea level where there are fewer people around who might distract from what needs discussing during this intimate moment between loved ones.”

Make a date night.

Planning a fun evening out can be challenging, especially if your relationship is currently in the middle of an emotional rollercoaster. But don’t let that stop you from making time for each other — a good date night will help reconnect and heal what’s been damaged by all the stressors of Valentine’s Day. If it’s an opportunity for new experiences, go ahead and try something new: maybe even try eating somewhere different or learning how to cook together! If there aren’t any opportunities available locally (or at all), consider taking yourself on an adventure somewhere else instead; maybe even try renting a car so that both of you can enjoy some alone time together during the drive there/back home (this works especially well if one person lives closer than another). One thing I’ll never forget was when my husband took me on our first road trip together — he rented us classic cars from his parents’ garage instead of driving around town like normal people do now days…and man did we have fun!

Get physical.

It’s time to get physical. Touching is one of the most powerful ways to communicate with your partner, and it can help you feel connected to them.

However, it’s important that you don’t abuse touch by doing things like rubbing their back or massaging them constantly (unless they ask). Instead, focus on being affectionate without being too intimate in public. Some examples include holding hands while walking down the street or leaning over at dinner to kiss them on the cheek as they pass by.

Try asking for more physical affection if you want it; for example: “Would you like me to give you a hug?”

Reconnect with yourself.

● Reconnect with yourself. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or do something else that you enjoy. You can also spend time with friends and family members who will be happy to support you in this important endeavor!

● Focus on your relationship. This year, focus on the things you love about each other and how much better things could be if only there was more time together!

Making time for your relationship can help strengthen it.

If you’re looking for ways to make time for your relationship, here are some tips:

● Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When things get tough in a relationship, it’s easy to feel like you need to do everything yourself and solve the problem on your own. But sometimes we don’t have all the information or resources that are needed — and we can end up making things worse by trying too hard without realizing what might work better. It’s important not only to talk about these problems but also ask for help from trusted friends or family members who can give insights into what they’ve seen working well in other relationships (or not).

● Don’t wait until a crisis hits before taking action toward improving communication within your partnership; this will only lead back down into chaos once again! Instead of letting time slip away while waiting around until something bad happens (which may never happen), take small steps right now toward improving how often everyone communicates effectively during everyday life together.”

Extra Advice for Valentines Day

If you’re feeling stuck in a relationship rut and need some inspiration, then consider these tips for how to refocus on your relationship. Remember that the best way to keep your relationship healthy is by making time for it — so schedule date nights or do something fun with your partner at home if you can’t go out together. And don’t forget to give them space as well! They’ll appreciate it when they see how much you care about his or her needs too. Lastly, try not taking any unnecessary risks with your partner’s trust (like cheating), because once they feel betrayed by someone close enough that they’d never speak again



Sophia Faith
Sophia Faith

Written by Sophia Faith

I write about spiritual healing, dream interpretation, manifestation, tarot reading, manifestation, angel numbers - Ask your Psychic Question: 1-888-793-6663

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